How to succeed in tech sales

What skills should you work on to be successful in tech sales? Helen Cabrera and Julio Herce share their insights.

Today we speak with Helen Cabrera, SDR at Classlife, and Julio Herce, Sales Manager at Zityhub, and ask them what has helped them to be successful in tech sales.

What needs to be done differently to be successful in B2B tech sales?

Helen Cabrera – As an SDR within the educational field, one should not accommodate. Being observant and paying attention to educational news is almost imperative, especially if the focus is on an outbound strategy.

You should also bring originality. Although the process and structure are usually maintained because they have been proven to be successful, the content, the interlocutor, and the interaction with the context are constantly changing. This is why you have to adapt constantly, which does not necessarily have to be uncomfortable or cause discomfort. If you accept to work in a dynamic environment, change becomes an exciting challenge.

Julio Herce – Exactly! When I worked in banking I lived comfortably and performed at half my potential. Monotonous days, reviewing files… Your future is “guaranteed” (even though there is no company that guarantees you anything) and you have a good payroll. However, you live bored and unmotivated.

Being in sales in a startup implies challenges, changes, continuous learning, trial-error, having a say, taking risks, failing, making mistakes, getting it right, getting a reward for your performance… I think it’s worth facing these challenges and overcoming each day.

Is it important to have a personal brand in B2B tech sales?

Julio – Your brand is your hallmark. Just as Ferrari has its colours, image, reputation… so do we. Your personal brand speaks of how you express yourself, what motivates you, it is what people see of you. I think that the attitude is closely linked to the personal brand, the way of facing challenges and difficulties.

Helen – Of course, there are two key factors in the sales process: reputation and trust. In this sense, the personal brand can help communicate these values, it increases trust and authority. In short, it reinforces the message.

What skills are a must-have in a sales role?

Julio – Perseverance is the hardest one to develop. They say you need 21 days to acquire a habit, but to develop perseverance you’ll need 22. 😊

Resilience: not giving up, it is forbidden to say ‘I can’t, I can’t get there, I don’t know how to do it…’ You always have to go one step further.

The desire to grow / optimism. You have to improve day by day. Always being realistic but I think it is fundamental. It is also very important to lose the FEAR of trying things and failing, if you don’t try you won’t get it.

Helen – I agree with Julio. I would add being curious and asking questions. The better you understand your client, the better you can answer their questions and answer how you can help them.

And empathy, the client must feel understood and accompanied in the sales process. Some customers need more time and data to make a decision, understand it, and facilitate it, whilst other customers will seek speed.

Finally, I would highlight being organized, having your day scheduled, and knowing how much you are going to dedicate to research, cold calling, and continuing cadences is very important, it gives us and our clients security.

Both Helen and Julio recommend reading books such as ‘Predictable Revenue’ and keeping up to date with news that affects your sector.

Both recommend having hobbies and practicing sports regularly at the start or the end of the day. Sales is a mentally active profession, and exercise keeps you healthy and balanced.

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