How to prepare for a video interview

Preparing for an interview is no easy task. Not if you want to do it properly anyway. There is a lot of work that needs to be done before, during, and after the interview.

If you want to show your best self, you need to ensure that you are prepared for the interview and that you wrap it up in the best way. At the end of the day, the way you behave and what you say throughout this process says a lot about you already!

So here are some tips to prepare for your next interview –

Before the interview

Review the vacancy

The work that goes behind preparing for an interview starts before you even apply. 

Read through the job description and make sure you fully understand the position. If you have any doubts, note them down. You may not need to be an expert about the company at this point, but you need to make sure that you are excited about this opportunity and that it is the right position/company for you.

You should also research the company. Now, depending on the position, some information will be more relevant than others, but you should at least know what they do, what differentiates them from their competition, and who their competitors are. 

Apply for the position

For each position you apply for, you should create a different CV, although this is a whole new subject.

Ideally, you should include a short extract too. Use it as a short introduction of yourself and what you’re looking for in the next challenge. 

Once you’ve sent the CV, it’s always a good idea to support your application with a message to the recruiter. Don’t overextend yourself, but this will catch the recruiter’s attention towards your profile and increase the chances of, at least, having a chance to have a short conversation with them. 

Preparing for the interview

When you are given a date and time to conduct the interview, confirm your attendance. You should most certainly confirm the invite, but it’s always a good idea to send a short email too, a couple of sentences will suffice. 

This is when the hard work starts. Investigate the role

What will the recruiter want to know? 

Is this a skills-based or an experience-based position? 

What skills or experience are required? 

To figure out those things, what questions may the recruiter ask?

Investigate the company a bit further. If this raises any questions, that’s great! Note them down, it’s always a great idea to ask questions at the end of the interview.

During the interview

Make sure that you are in a quiet place with no distractions – no bars, no parks. Some roles may also require you to dress accordingly, although it’s always a good idea to look smart.

Quick tip! Even if this is a video interview, match your bottom half. No sweatpants.

Stay calm and smile! No playing with your hair, no turning on the chair.

You’ve prepared for this, you’re ready!

Be ready a little early and wait for the recruiter, put your phone in silent.

Listen carefully to the recruiter and make sure you answer what they’re asking. Be clear and direct, avoid rumbling. If applicable, provide specific examples. It’s also a good idea to give a brief explanation of what you learned from each experience. 

When you’re reaching the end of the interview, ask those questions you noted down. It is also a good idea to ask what the next steps are.

After the interview

It is not mandatory to send an email to the interviewer after the interview, but it may help you stand out from the rest of the candidates. It is also a good idea to ask fro feedback if you haven’t done so towards the end of the call.

However, this is a good time to sit down and evaluate the interview.

Where did you shine?

What answers could be improved?

Were you surprised by any questions?

The interviewer should also have given you a timeline of the hiring process. If you haven’t heard back by that deadline, get back in touch with the interviewer.

Sometimes your situation may change so that another better-fitted opportunity has risen. And that’s alright! Make sure to let your interviewer know. But don’t ever ghost

The bottom line

Preparing for an interview takes time and effort

Even if you are actively job searching, you should invest time in understanding what the company does and what the job involves. Otherwise, you’ll be misusing your time and the interviewer’s time too. 

Do you need more interviewing tips? Check out what companies value when recruiting for remote roles.

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